About Us

Just Me

My name is Gina, I am a mom, an Army wife, and as my husband would say, a little “hippie dippie”.  Yes, he really said that to me once.  It’s not like I walk around in tie dye skirts and put amber necklaces on my baby but…

Oh wait. Those are definitely things that I do.

My little boy, Simon, was born in February of 2011, and he is just the love of my life.  He was born in Missouri, and we moved to upstate New York in June of 2011.  I am from New York (not the city), and my husband is from Maryland.  We are East Coasters, and happy to be back where we belong.  We’re just telling the baby he was born here.

Simon with Dad at the Gateway Arch

My husband, aka Simon’s Dad, has been in the Army for most of our marriage.  We met in college, and got married within a month of us both having graduated.  So far we have been stationed in Hawaii, with that short interlude in Missouri, and now we are in New York. He has been deployed. It will happen again.  Luckily right now, it is looking like he will at least get to see Simon’s first birthday.  We are grateful that he will get most of his first year with him.  He also got out of the Army for awhile in between, during which we lived in New Jersey and Connecticut.  We have only been married for 5 years.  That’s a lot of moving.  One year we had to file tax returns in 5 states.

We also have two furry babies.  Zoe and Ivan.  Zoe is my baby girl, she was born in 2004.  Ivan is my big guy, and he was born in 2009.  Zoe hates Ivan, so her world has been kind of turned upside down.  Simon adores Zoe.  They of course, are just tolerating him right now.  But I’m sure they will all love each other soon enough.

Zoe is on the left, Ivan is on the right.

Besides being “hippie dippie”, I am a stay at home, cloth diapering, babywearing, extended breastfeeding (hopefully), baby led weaning, cosleeping, vegetarian mom.  I do have a Bachelors in Chemistry, and a Masters in Education.  Right now, writing that here is all I really get to do with those degrees.  But that’s okay, I always wanted to be at home while my babies grow.

And just in case you were wondering…there are actually two tie dye skirts.

8 thoughts on “About Us

  1. I am pretty sure you’re my parenting soul mate. Thank you for your comment on my blog the other day. Your son and your cats are adorable. We have five cats and a dog so I totally empathize with the animals disliking each other at times thing.

  2. Hi Gina. So funny as I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering what happened to you, and look at us – both moms now. I love it! So good to hear from you again, and Simon is adorable.

    You sound really happy with your life these days, and that makes me smile. Mamahood is an amazing thing, no? Lots of work, but it’s been the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. Wouldn’t trade it for anything!
    P.S. Did the amber necklace really help with teething?

    • I think they do, at least when they’re new. It is on my to-do list for posts, so maybe I’ll do it this week, now that someone’s asked about it!

  3. Hey, Tat is very impressive! I know what you mean – I have a degree from Cambridge and I’m being a stay at home, slightly hippy, mum at the moment too. Still, our qualifications will still be around when the babies are grown up and left home, its a sweet time when they’re little isn’t it? Really enjoying exploring your blog, look forward to reading your future posts! Amy Xxx

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